Super Smash Bros. Collab
Premise: Make a funny skit about the Super Smash Bros. franchise.
Specs: Stage Size: 640x360
Background Color: Black
Sprites only
Skits 5 to 120 seconds long
Some parts must be voiced
So go join if you're in the spriting buisness.
Player 2: Luigi
Premise: We learn why, throughout Luigi's life, he was always considered "Player 2"
This is a SOLO PROJECT, so to anyone that'll probably ask and who actually reads my post, I will not accept you unless I ask you to help me. If I choose someone else over you, sorry but move on. Boo-hoo, life sucks, get over it.
That's all I have on my plate for now. Neither projects are anywhere NEAR finished, so don't expect a "Well, it'll get done..." speech in the near future....and don't listen to what my banner says at the top of the page. I just did that so I had it done ahead of time.